
after end days

But today. But far from home. Where

vivid green, the sky hung in shreds.

Here the people I knew as friends, they

hide their eyes, tell me to fall into

the river and return to early nature as

an incautious spirit. My haunted

visions of flight wash away to mother’s

sea. Does God want me to put on my wedding

suit? Eat every bite of cake down to the

ivory plate? But not cake and not a wedding.

A cemetery fills my hand. I’ve gone

back in time to the birth of the world

and a tendon morning and promises

lost in midday circles. To drag my heels

along the circus boulevard. Curve

down into valley’s shade. Removed

from you and everyone else.

And or.


Once a Life

Our favorite

brothers? Tell and

telling, carry

minutes up and over.

Run past the

bishop’s hill. Trace the air, blinded by

photons. Or remember

butterflies in a box, but

the box isn’t real,


So stand to tell

the day go to hell.

Gather under

the pews while clocks lose track of time. How the day

owes us nothing but

vacated promises. So the

accident of breath

at the back of the

throat. So the need to have wings instead

of arms, an ageless fiction

inspired by hospital dreams

when the moon

goes down.


june, 1996

tumble into

you, hold my

hand, a sampled

time in simplistic

array, gone

to earth and a curl

of smoke.

when no meals

are left,

they’ve been

eaten with bent

spoons. and

our tightened

soulstrings hung

from a branch,

there for the

pleasure of extinct

insects. a mass,

a mess giving

shoulder taps

to the dusk. and

touch our eyes

when a truck goes by,

touch them closed

before the shudder moon

can vanish

into cloistered

heavens. before us,

in the before. summer

orphans, blind-curtained

by an incomplete

season. betrayed by the

architecture of wasps.

in a madman rush we

wish for clarification,

for manifestation of

torrent breath.

a call for destiny.

or jumbled

words that fall asleep

in the kitchen

drawer. where we’ll

still be at dawn,

counting hurricanes

and affecting

blueberry lips.

in days gone missing,

in and out of reason.

hour and hour,

scratching ephro’s palm

for luck. and hiding

secret diaries

behind the blistered sun.

shaken from one

another, borrowed

and borrowing.


Psalm Mantra

We wear a wringing


Our breath filled with pebbles.

Darkness, a weighted calm,

the lion’s whisper

that morning has lost its way.

Next hour and hour.

Mark us the way to infinity’s

settling mood.

In the end, all is never

all or at peace with

the beggar’s tent.

Are those nerveless


pulling at the storm?

Or impossible interjections

of doubtful purpose?

Or lost in sight of the

sentence’s end?



our spiritual nature                    in many pieces

the hard counting of ice crystals our last meal was it eaten in haste

was it the altered transcendence of calm as skinebirds

wrestled in nightbane how

they worried for the souls of children locked in

closets how their tiny songs                    reverberated and muddled and snapped

at betraying symbols of                    the hundredth yewbranch the

malnourished among us without definable

features whose                    belief in god the impartial fisher a patient woman

to glue stones on our eyes why                    we chase

doppelgangers why we wear

flakes of pink corrosion dance                    with matches in the darkness pause

for no discernible reason not in the pursuit of                    the

abstract                    lost to wrenching thoughts but simultaneously

understood that the same

can be said of the people who came                    before us they and they

found peace with prisms                    and they




why yellow     walls

why do     I know

about yellow     seeing it


a closed door     seeing

sunlight leaving its     mark

like paint

yellow     seeping from the walls     through

the wooden door     wood worn

dark by a thousand hands     dark

as the shadows     left

behind by an indifferent


who guides my hand

knock knock     echo in the

hallway     sound that

stumbles down

the stairs


late in day

when we lean back against the

overpass railing. collect raindrops

on our fingers instead of naming children

who will never be born. engage in

arguments with green lightning storm.

your obsession with electricity, afraid to be

touched, but the atmospheric molecules

that connect us. under our feet a convoy of

diesels blows by in a rush of petroleum

wind. we load our pockets with

static flames. fall weightless into

forty years from now. a remembrance

of thunder’s haunted soliloquy.


“at the end of the newest war”

take off our bodies

fall into a foreign dream of

a fantastic car without wheels

that speeds along with heavenly grace

nobody at the wheel

just you you and me

three of us in the back seat

warm under an old red blanket

good good sweet lord

cruise down a jet-black


                                         that ebon city up ahead

                                         wash itself with smoke

                                         or maybe not a city

                                         maybe not smoke

                                         only what we imagine as such

                                         the silent shadows in silent streets

                                         what we imagine as mournful soldiers

                                         waving to three vanishing ghosts



Thinks exactly what is to

be thought; renounce,

the decimation

of light. By way of

programming – tilted in

hostility, having spent the

wrong money.

Was another reason to be

thrown, was a willingness

no matter the possible

difference. Since the day,

since every day when the cold-lunch

world failed by untimely

incident. In exchange for

a liberation where the sanity

of complex is all wrong.

Back to back, the thrill of
