
broken story

run down

to home

unlock a broken


dying nights

in reload

we fall inside


the enjoyment

of birds


by the drawer

gone and


red bends us

in half

a patient drawl

a covenant

our faces

in shade

and dimming core

and angular glance

with speed

scratch out love

wires scorched

my fingers alight

reserve a

purposeful exhalation

healed up by

savanna sun

when drinking moonlit


on your lips

a ragged squint

origination of

brackish rhymes

glue pennies

to our eyes

comforting delirium

within soiled feathers


Not If

     Not the same, but are.     But conclude a dazzle dance and

confront eager tropes.     Encircle the caustic.     This, lowered

down to the ground where our ancestors

               lay themselves bare.     Their essence among ragged shirts.

     With the fear of bitter winds; look, look.     In the way of

ourselves.     In the way interrupted by signs and

sweet incantations.

     What, to taste old smoke.     Instead, however, tread lightly

because these are the days

                 of days, the days without

night, the days stacked too high for gravity to ignore.

     Left, right. above.     By default.     How will base enjoyment be

                 reinterpreted.     There, at midnight below the arbor

where time finds an impossible name.