
little white lie

subtract from

the garish bones of

guilt     opaque in

sand     when sink into sand     shaded

on shards     when

voices piled in

the sky     nobody at

fault that the seams come

loose     they were a product

of insufficient time     the

betrayal of sugary-logic     as

felt between breaths     as

taken by tender

gloved hands     to

sing madrigals in black

dresses     to climb

and rest

in limbo’s lap


taken by surprise

speak god not in words

and not god.

walk the two of us across a baker’s field,

into the nation of ghosts.

they simmer to

our inner. their conversation

of moonlit


leave behind. go where go

can’t matter. leave behind, despite

laughter. how us falling

into a trance and fall

wayward. here, the entirety

of cold tumble.


while smiling at sad lakes and visions

from the past. a house of bright

windows. a library

humming with fluorescent light.

a day of kitchen weather. a

roadmap of wrinkles.


We Finally

What you and always. What I, by

remembrance. In sight of

stillwater. Like wrapped in furs overtight,

the carry of past saga while lying

bareback on stones rolled glassy by

sleepless surf. As run with legless drift

through and through. Deposit leftover

energy. A gift of maybe no before

reach past the inner to what, reach

for the lake. As swimming

to a waiting breast. In shush

and suckle and leave behind

a skein of evaporating wakes.

From the beginning of existence,

the very end.