
Time of No Control

That’s us. Let in the August storm. Let

blow open the windows. Let pulse wind

bring about a typhoon of wicked actions.

Call the tempest by its secret name.

Name that envelopes the mountains

where time goes to sleep. We celebrate

another birthday in the dark. You don’t

want to be there. You are there. You

remember a poem born from flame.

I recite it backwards and close my

eyes. Caught in a breeze heavy

with smoke.


last in series

forget the surf still damping

our shoes. forget the soft curve

of drowning eyes. drink the

seaside road, drink the dusk and

follow chains in the sky. or

instinctive memory of solar flare,

of careless sight. for sun. for

afternoon fog as humid breath

puddles the road, walking with

us in a worry and tied in loose

knots. under drowning moons.

the final pages turned, umber

words, out-of-fashion howls.

forget the concept of names,

the naming of objects requiring

names, the objects themselves.